So today the Spring 2013 Richard and Judy Thorntons Book Club books were announced (and here they are on the WH Smith website)
I do like the R and J list; usually the selections are very readable, occasionally they're adventurous and there's always at least one I want to read.
This time out I've read, loved (and reviewed on this blog) Gone Girl. I have been desperate to read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry for about 8 months! And I was just showing the husband Chris Cleave's Gold in Waterstones last week. I hadn't heard of this author before we read The Other Hand in my book club. I thought it was very readable and original so I do want to read his latest one. I've also been wanting to read John Green's YA novel The Fault in our Stars for a while. It looks like a nice change from the dystopian landscape of current YA trends!
I hadn't heard of David Mark's The Dark Winter but after a look at the description it seems right up my street. The R and J choices usually include a good crime novel - I think they "broke" The Blackhouse - so I trust I'm in good hands. And I love a bit of Americana, particularly if it's anything to do with politics, so I quite fancy Noah Hawley' s The Good Father.
Of course, the best thing is that all these books should be out in paperback soon! (of course, I'm always open to review copies here at Rich Tapestry Reads, should any kind publishers be reading). And hopefully lots of new readers will find and enjoy something a bit different.
I hadn't heard of
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